Vatic Note: After all we have just read over the past two days, I don't blame him for saying all this. But being the person I am, I never ever give up, however, if I were to give up, this speaks volumes perfectly to why I would. I can even understand why he believes we are doomed. Once you realize that people like himself and my self have been literally begging people for at least 10 years of our lives, to look at our evidence and research and thus to wake up to what is happening and how deep and how perverse and how very evil it is, only to receive the most obscene abuse for that effort, and to continue anyway hoping one or two would change and see the light. It was a lonely solitary battle, until recently, against all odds and realizing the battle isn't against the bankers or the zionists or the royalty of europe, the battle is against our own people, who treat the messanger as the enemy rather than as a Paul Revere or a watchman sounding the alarm, a person who is not crazy, finally gives up. I won't do it because I am crazy, but I understand others doing it.
We LET our government for decades commit horrible atrocities IN OUR NAME against other other defenseless and vulnerable third world poor countries for profit and gain. Finally that same cabal is coming home to roost to do to us what we allowed them to do to others. Sort of a poetic justice in a way. Then we don't watch what they are doing genetically with Rockefellers "Crimes against Humanity" Eugenics funding by his foundation nor do we demand the gov monitor the horrors they are creating with genetic manipulation, and we wonder "what the hell happened while I was not watching?" Even I have said that and I was watching closer than most. Then you have those that saw the light, knew several years ago what was coming and what did they do??? THEY RAN. They now live in foreign countries that will soon be bombed and attacked and destroyed by the coming nuke wars. We are actually safer here because of our numbers than we would have been in Belize, or Uruaguay or Costa Rica as we now see with 8,000 marines occupying Costa Rico. I am sending this as a tough love exercise. Its a look in the mirror to begin to see AND ADMIT our role in all that is happening to us and our abandonment of our principles, our integrity and worse, the abandonment of our own children. Without that honest admission as to our own role in our own demise, we cannot then find the power to overturn it and save ourselves, our nation and our children. We have abandoned the legacy left to us by our ancestors and abused it horribly by relinquishing all that we were about, to an unknown sick and perverted enemy. Our ancestors died to preserve that which made this nation and our civilization great. But now its just another roman empire slipping into the bowels of oblivion without a whimper. I refuse to give up, but then my father always said "You would bite off your nose to spite your face". He was right. I intend, if I live long enough, to be one of their worst nightmares. HOW ABOUT YOU???? At this point we may take a stand, but the odds in our favor dropped dramatically during the last election and this one seals it. How you know you sold out is "Did you vote a straight third party ticket today??? NO? Then you voted for more of the same of the past 10 years. Why would anyone in their right mind do that? Read this all the way through as he hits the mark squarely and you will find it can't be denied at all. Its the only way to get our power back. Read and decide. Frankly, after you read this, the best thing you could do is GET DAMN GOOD AND MAD. That is the first step to action and out of helplessness. Powerlessness Living on borrowed time 3rd September 2010, by John Kaminiski
We LET our government for decades commit horrible atrocities IN OUR NAME against other other defenseless and vulnerable third world poor countries for profit and gain. Finally that same cabal is coming home to roost to do to us what we allowed them to do to others. Sort of a poetic justice in a way. Then we don't watch what they are doing genetically with Rockefellers "Crimes against Humanity" Eugenics funding by his foundation nor do we demand the gov monitor the horrors they are creating with genetic manipulation, and we wonder "what the hell happened while I was not watching?" Even I have said that and I was watching closer than most. Then you have those that saw the light, knew several years ago what was coming and what did they do??? THEY RAN. They now live in foreign countries that will soon be bombed and attacked and destroyed by the coming nuke wars. We are actually safer here because of our numbers than we would have been in Belize, or Uruaguay or Costa Rica as we now see with 8,000 marines occupying Costa Rico. I am sending this as a tough love exercise. Its a look in the mirror to begin to see AND ADMIT our role in all that is happening to us and our abandonment of our principles, our integrity and worse, the abandonment of our own children. Without that honest admission as to our own role in our own demise, we cannot then find the power to overturn it and save ourselves, our nation and our children. We have abandoned the legacy left to us by our ancestors and abused it horribly by relinquishing all that we were about, to an unknown sick and perverted enemy. Our ancestors died to preserve that which made this nation and our civilization great. But now its just another roman empire slipping into the bowels of oblivion without a whimper. I refuse to give up, but then my father always said "You would bite off your nose to spite your face". He was right. I intend, if I live long enough, to be one of their worst nightmares. HOW ABOUT YOU???? At this point we may take a stand, but the odds in our favor dropped dramatically during the last election and this one seals it. How you know you sold out is "Did you vote a straight third party ticket today??? NO? Then you voted for more of the same of the past 10 years. Why would anyone in their right mind do that? Read this all the way through as he hits the mark squarely and you will find it can't be denied at all. Its the only way to get our power back. Read and decide. Frankly, after you read this, the best thing you could do is GET DAMN GOOD AND MAD. That is the first step to action and out of helplessness. Powerlessness Living on borrowed time 3rd September 2010, by John Kaminiski
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